Monday, November 1, 2010
60-Second Recap - 9 truths
1) America was already losing over 600,000 jobs per month, months before Obama became President
2) Despite those job loses, Republicans worked in lock-step to block the Stimulus Bill – with zero House Republicans and only 3 Senate Republicans voting for the Stimulus
3) Within 6 months of passage of the Stimulus Bill, monthly job losses decreased by over two-thirds
4) Despite that quick reversal, Republicans continued to oppose virtually every job creation bill, business development bill, and economic stimulus bill right though September 2010 – based, ostensibly, on “philosophical” issues*
5) The Recovery is not a philosophical issue – it is an economic one
6) As Republicans blocked bill . . . after bill . . . after bill – The Recovery began to lose steam
7) Republicans, as the ones most responsible for the economic crash, deliberately blocked The Recovery – knowing that economic recovery credited to the Democrats would spell political devastation for the Republican Party for years to come
8) If Republicans focused their efforts on making America succeed, instead of spending their time trying to make President Obama fail, Americans would be well on their way to an economic recovery by now
9) It’s been said that those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. You can vote to put those who tanked our economy and blocked The Recovery back in charge . . . or you can entrust it to those who tried to speed The Recovery and help tens of millions of Americans regain their independence and dignity
But you've got less than 24 hours to decide.
*Here’s a link to 31 Bills Republicans Blocked in 2010:
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Where is the Outrage?
Where is the Outrage that those whose policies and actions were most responsible for America’s worst economic collapse since the Great Depression, have spent the past 20 months blocking virtually every job creation bill, business development bill, and economic stimulus bill intended to speed The Recovery?
Where is the Outrage that they repeatedly said: “No”, “No”, “No” – while over 10,000,000 Americans lost their homes, their jobs, their life savings?
Where is the Outrage that they chose to spend their time trying to make America’s President fail, instead of spending their time trying to make America succeed?
Where is the Outrage that instead of using their influence to help Americans get out from beneath the crushing weight of the economic collapse, they used it to block The Recovery – for fear that a recovery credited to the Democrats would spell political devastation for the Republican Party for years to come?
Where is the Outrage that they deliberately lied, distorted the truth and misrepresented the facts on issue after issue – for the benefit of their own political interests – and the detriment of ordinary Americans?
Where is the Outrage that their leaders promoted fear . . . anger . . . hatred . . . and divisiveness – instead of offering solutions?
Where is the Outrage that in a time of severe economic crisis for the American people, they decided that it was better to rip this country in two – turning neighbor against neighbor; sister against brother; American against American – rather than bring us together?
Where is the Outrage that they played politics with people’s lives?
Unlike their attempts to hijack public forums by encouraging followers to shout, scream and brandish weapons to intimidate those with opposing viewpoints – there is only one suitable way for you and I to express OUR outrage – and that’s at the voting booth on Tuesday, November 2nd.
Tell them how outraged you are that they chose to ignore the pleas and cries of their fellow Americans in order to further their own political goals.
Tell them with your vote.
Pass it on . . .
Where is the Outrage that they repeatedly said: “No”, “No”, “No” – while over 10,000,000 Americans lost their homes, their jobs, their life savings?
Where is the Outrage that they chose to spend their time trying to make America’s President fail, instead of spending their time trying to make America succeed?
Where is the Outrage that instead of using their influence to help Americans get out from beneath the crushing weight of the economic collapse, they used it to block The Recovery – for fear that a recovery credited to the Democrats would spell political devastation for the Republican Party for years to come?
Where is the Outrage that they deliberately lied, distorted the truth and misrepresented the facts on issue after issue – for the benefit of their own political interests – and the detriment of ordinary Americans?
Where is the Outrage that their leaders promoted fear . . . anger . . . hatred . . . and divisiveness – instead of offering solutions?
Where is the Outrage that in a time of severe economic crisis for the American people, they decided that it was better to rip this country in two – turning neighbor against neighbor; sister against brother; American against American – rather than bring us together?
Where is the Outrage that they played politics with people’s lives?
Unlike their attempts to hijack public forums by encouraging followers to shout, scream and brandish weapons to intimidate those with opposing viewpoints – there is only one suitable way for you and I to express OUR outrage – and that’s at the voting booth on Tuesday, November 2nd.
Tell them how outraged you are that they chose to ignore the pleas and cries of their fellow Americans in order to further their own political goals.
Tell them with your vote.
Pass it on . . .
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
For anyone who still believes the claim that Republican obstructionism these past 2 years has been based solely on “fundamental, philosophical differences” – that lie was put to rest this week when Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell stated that, after next Tuesday’s mid-term elections “the single most important thing (Republicans) want to achieve is for Obama to be a one-term President”.
Doesn't it strike you as odd that McConnell did NOT say the Republicans top goal was to “fix the economy” or “help hard-working Americans get back on their feet” or even “create an environment that’s conducive to creating good, new jobs for American workers”?
I'm not making this up. Here’s the news link:,0,4005860.story
Perhaps this explains why they blocked virtually every job creation bill, every business development bill, and every stimulus bill since Obama’s election. If that sounds like partisan blabber to you, just Google the terms “GOP blocks” or “Republicans block” and read what comes up on your screen. Or click here for direct links to 31 Bills Republicans have blocked in 2010:
After spending the past 2 years doing everything in their power to “make Obama fail”, their new goal for the next 2 years is to “make sure Obama is a one-term President.”
That may make for good (or typical) politics, but what about you and me and 308 million other Americans? Can we afford to wait until the Republicans place another Republican President into the White House before they start doing what is best for us – instead of what is best for them?
There is little argument that it was primarily their policies and actions during the preceding 8 years that led to the greatest economic collapse this country has seen since the Great Depression.
And yet they repeatedly said “No”, “No”, “No” as over 10,000,000 Americans lost their jobs, their homes and their life savings.
Exactly whose best interests are they representing?
Yours? Mine?
It’s time to read between the lines.
Next Tuesday, you get to decide the future of this country for, at least, the next 2 years. Either we have 2 more years of Republican obstructionism and legislative gridlock . . . or . . . we allow President Obama to continue his plan to create jobs and restore the American economy.
You may not like the choice, and it’s yours to make – but one is guaranteed to be a continuation of the last 2 years. The other at least provides hope.
Please vote.
Doesn't it strike you as odd that McConnell did NOT say the Republicans top goal was to “fix the economy” or “help hard-working Americans get back on their feet” or even “create an environment that’s conducive to creating good, new jobs for American workers”?
I'm not making this up. Here’s the news link:,0,4005860.story
Perhaps this explains why they blocked virtually every job creation bill, every business development bill, and every stimulus bill since Obama’s election. If that sounds like partisan blabber to you, just Google the terms “GOP blocks” or “Republicans block” and read what comes up on your screen. Or click here for direct links to 31 Bills Republicans have blocked in 2010:
After spending the past 2 years doing everything in their power to “make Obama fail”, their new goal for the next 2 years is to “make sure Obama is a one-term President.”
That may make for good (or typical) politics, but what about you and me and 308 million other Americans? Can we afford to wait until the Republicans place another Republican President into the White House before they start doing what is best for us – instead of what is best for them?
There is little argument that it was primarily their policies and actions during the preceding 8 years that led to the greatest economic collapse this country has seen since the Great Depression.
And yet they repeatedly said “No”, “No”, “No” as over 10,000,000 Americans lost their jobs, their homes and their life savings.
Exactly whose best interests are they representing?
Yours? Mine?
It’s time to read between the lines.
Next Tuesday, you get to decide the future of this country for, at least, the next 2 years. Either we have 2 more years of Republican obstructionism and legislative gridlock . . . or . . . we allow President Obama to continue his plan to create jobs and restore the American economy.
You may not like the choice, and it’s yours to make – but one is guaranteed to be a continuation of the last 2 years. The other at least provides hope.
Please vote.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Republican TV ad instructs Spanish-speaking Americans NOT to vote
A new television ad created by Republican Political Consultant (Robert DePosada) under the banner of a group calling itself "Latinos for Reform" urges all Spanish-speaking Americans NOT to vote in the upcoming mid-term elections.
It informs viewers that the "only way to send a clear message to Washington is . . . DON'T VOTE"
Okay, so over the past few weeks we're beginning to get a clearer picture of who the Republicans want to take "their country" back from:
Gays and Lesbians
Immigrants (legal and otherwise)
the poor
the middle-class
Scientists and researchers
did I miss anyone?
It informs viewers that the "only way to send a clear message to Washington is . . . DON'T VOTE"
Okay, so over the past few weeks we're beginning to get a clearer picture of who the Republicans want to take "their country" back from:
Gays and Lesbians
Immigrants (legal and otherwise)
the poor
the middle-class
Scientists and researchers
did I miss anyone?
Monday, October 18, 2010
Their Country?
They jeered when America’s President was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
They cheered when he failed to win the 2016 Summer Olympics for Chicago.
They sneered when he spoke to students in Cairo – as you and I, and the rest of the world, stood up and applauded.
They urged Americans to keep their kids out of school on the day America’s first minority President spoke to America’s schoolchildren, telling them that if they worked and studied really hard – they, too, could achieve their dreams.
They claimed he was not an American citizen.
They said he was a racist.
They said he was a terrorist – that he wanted to defeat America and turn her over to her enemies.
They said he wanted to kill your grandmother. And kill babies, too.
They said he was a Socialist, or the second coming of Adolph Hitler.
They vowed to do everything in their power to make America’s President fail.
And do you know what they’re saying now?
They’re saying they want “their country” back.
They played politics while Americans suffered.
They repeatedly said “No”, “No”, “No” while tens of millions of Americans lost their homes, their jobs, their life savings.
They promoted fear . . . and anger . . . and lies . . . and hatred.
They call themselves the “Real” Americans. The “True” Patriots. Loyalists.
What do you suppose they call you and me?
And at this very moment, they are making plans to take “their country” back.
They pretend it wasn’t their party who failed to prevent the financial collapse in 2008 – the one that tanked our economy and took over 8,000,000 jobs away from American workers and cost nearly 2,000,000 Americans their homes.
They pretend that it wasn’t them who led America into a $740-billion dollar war with Iraq, based entirely on false pretenses.
They pretend it wasn’t them who ran up a $4.9 trillion dollar budget deficit during the 8 Bush/Cheney years.
And they are demanding that you and I give them “their country” back.
They behaved as if President Obama’s election was an error – instead of a mandate.
They believed the majority of voters who overwhelmingly demanded change from 8 years of Bush-Cheney-Republican policies were disloyal and unpatriotic. And since the election, they’ve done everything in their power to prevent change by blocking nearly every one of President Obama’s stimulus, job creation, and business development bills.
They say they are obstructing the President – trying to make him fail – for your sake, not for theirs.
Do you really believe them?
They have lied, obstructed, distorted – and repeatedly put the interests of their own political party ahead of the interests of American citizens.
In a time of severe economic crisis for the American people, they’ve decided that it is better to rip this country in two – turning neighbor against neighbor; sister against brother; American against American – rather than to bring us together. And they’ve done it for no other reason than that it helps their political prospects and helps raise money for their political party.
And, as you are reading this letter, they are gathering to take “their country” back.
They talk amongst themselves of requiring “purity tests” for those who would govern our country and our citizens. And they brand those who disagree with them as “radicals”, “dangerous”, “disloyal”, “unpatriotic” and “un-American.”
They thrive on anger, hatred and divisiveness. It empowers them. And it emboldens them. (And it should scare the living daylights out of all of us who believe in what our forefathers fought and died for.)
And they are already deciding what changes will be made once they get “their country” back.
They vowed to defeat President Obama and anyone who supported him. They vowed to make him meet his “Waterloo”. And they are still trying.
They gambled that by not participating in solutions – by actually blocking them – they would force the President to fail, and they’d win future votes by prolonging America’s economic crisis and the suffering it has caused – until the next election.
They made the inexcusable political calculation that, under this President, it is more important to obstruct than it is to help ordinary citizens out of America’s worst economic disaster in 75 years.
And on Tuesday, November 2nd, they’re coming to take “their country” back.
Only one question remains:
Will you let them?
Will you let them continue to block every attempt at helping Americans recover from the economic meltdown – the one they helped create – the one that occurred on their watch, well before President Obama was even elected?
Will you let them continue to hold The Recovery hostage until they can install another Republican President in the White House?
Will you let them restore the policies that led to the greatest economic collapse this country has seen since the Great Depression?
Will you let them continue to play politics with people’s lives?
For the Republicans, the upcoming mid-term elections are about one thing, and one thing only – preventing President Obama from bringing the change you and the rest of America voted for. It’s about making him fail. And it’s about regaining control of The White House so they can go back to the 8 years of Republican policies that nearly bankrupted this country.
What it’s clearly not about, in their eyes, is you and me and the lives of 308 million other Americans.
If you agree with what they’re saying – with what they’re doing – then you don’t have to do a thing, because on November 2nd they will put a permanent end to the change we all voted for.
But if you think what they’re doing is wrong, then you and I must do everything we can to stop them – and we must act NOW – before it’s too late.
You and I can stop them, but we don’t have much time.
Here’s what we can – and must – do:
1) We must vote to defeat them, and their obstructionist ways, on Tuesday, November 2nd
2) We must talk with our friends, co-workers, family members and neighbors and ensure they vote
3) We must get the message out to others who may have been caught up in the lies, the fear and the distortion tactics propagated by the Republican Party, The Republican-funded Tea Party and The Republican Media
4) We must volunteer our time; donate where we can; knock on doors; write letters to newspapers; anything and everything we can think of
When President Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority, the message seemed pretty clear – America needed and wanted change. But the Republican Party apparently didn’t hear that message – or didn’t want to – because they have spent the past 20 months blocking virtually every economic stimulus bill, job-creation bill, and business development bill that crossed their path. They’ve made it perfectly clear that the only way to get the change America voted for, is to throw the Republican obstructionists out so President Obama can take the steps that are necessary to move the recovery, and America, forward.
And it starts with you and me – and everyone else who voted for change.
As President Obama said not so long ago, “I don’t quit, just because it’s hard”.
We don’t either.
John P. Epstein
P.S. – The Republicans figured that, by working in lock-step to block change, they would break our spirit, crush our convictions, and leave us disillusioned. It almost worked. Now we must show them that America will not be held hostage or brought to her knees simply for their own political gain. And the way to do that is by exposing the Republican Party’s hypocrisy and their self-serving lies, and defeating them in November. Please get this message out to others – while there is still time – and make certain you vote on Tuesday, November 2nd. Bring a friend to the polls with you. If you can, bring a dozen.
If you believe America is YOUR country . . .
. . . get involved . . . and vote on Tuesday, November 2nd
PASS IT ON . . .
They cheered when he failed to win the 2016 Summer Olympics for Chicago.
They sneered when he spoke to students in Cairo – as you and I, and the rest of the world, stood up and applauded.
They urged Americans to keep their kids out of school on the day America’s first minority President spoke to America’s schoolchildren, telling them that if they worked and studied really hard – they, too, could achieve their dreams.
They claimed he was not an American citizen.
They said he was a racist.
They said he was a terrorist – that he wanted to defeat America and turn her over to her enemies.
They said he wanted to kill your grandmother. And kill babies, too.
They said he was a Socialist, or the second coming of Adolph Hitler.
They vowed to do everything in their power to make America’s President fail.
And do you know what they’re saying now?
They’re saying they want “their country” back.
They played politics while Americans suffered.
They repeatedly said “No”, “No”, “No” while tens of millions of Americans lost their homes, their jobs, their life savings.
They promoted fear . . . and anger . . . and lies . . . and hatred.
They call themselves the “Real” Americans. The “True” Patriots. Loyalists.
What do you suppose they call you and me?
And at this very moment, they are making plans to take “their country” back.
They pretend it wasn’t their party who failed to prevent the financial collapse in 2008 – the one that tanked our economy and took over 8,000,000 jobs away from American workers and cost nearly 2,000,000 Americans their homes.
They pretend that it wasn’t them who led America into a $740-billion dollar war with Iraq, based entirely on false pretenses.
They pretend it wasn’t them who ran up a $4.9 trillion dollar budget deficit during the 8 Bush/Cheney years.
And they are demanding that you and I give them “their country” back.
They behaved as if President Obama’s election was an error – instead of a mandate.
They believed the majority of voters who overwhelmingly demanded change from 8 years of Bush-Cheney-Republican policies were disloyal and unpatriotic. And since the election, they’ve done everything in their power to prevent change by blocking nearly every one of President Obama’s stimulus, job creation, and business development bills.
They say they are obstructing the President – trying to make him fail – for your sake, not for theirs.
Do you really believe them?
They have lied, obstructed, distorted – and repeatedly put the interests of their own political party ahead of the interests of American citizens.
In a time of severe economic crisis for the American people, they’ve decided that it is better to rip this country in two – turning neighbor against neighbor; sister against brother; American against American – rather than to bring us together. And they’ve done it for no other reason than that it helps their political prospects and helps raise money for their political party.
And, as you are reading this letter, they are gathering to take “their country” back.
They talk amongst themselves of requiring “purity tests” for those who would govern our country and our citizens. And they brand those who disagree with them as “radicals”, “dangerous”, “disloyal”, “unpatriotic” and “un-American.”
They thrive on anger, hatred and divisiveness. It empowers them. And it emboldens them. (And it should scare the living daylights out of all of us who believe in what our forefathers fought and died for.)
And they are already deciding what changes will be made once they get “their country” back.
They vowed to defeat President Obama and anyone who supported him. They vowed to make him meet his “Waterloo”. And they are still trying.
They gambled that by not participating in solutions – by actually blocking them – they would force the President to fail, and they’d win future votes by prolonging America’s economic crisis and the suffering it has caused – until the next election.
They made the inexcusable political calculation that, under this President, it is more important to obstruct than it is to help ordinary citizens out of America’s worst economic disaster in 75 years.
And on Tuesday, November 2nd, they’re coming to take “their country” back.
Only one question remains:
Will you let them?
Will you let them continue to block every attempt at helping Americans recover from the economic meltdown – the one they helped create – the one that occurred on their watch, well before President Obama was even elected?
Will you let them continue to hold The Recovery hostage until they can install another Republican President in the White House?
Will you let them restore the policies that led to the greatest economic collapse this country has seen since the Great Depression?
Will you let them continue to play politics with people’s lives?
For the Republicans, the upcoming mid-term elections are about one thing, and one thing only – preventing President Obama from bringing the change you and the rest of America voted for. It’s about making him fail. And it’s about regaining control of The White House so they can go back to the 8 years of Republican policies that nearly bankrupted this country.
What it’s clearly not about, in their eyes, is you and me and the lives of 308 million other Americans.
If you agree with what they’re saying – with what they’re doing – then you don’t have to do a thing, because on November 2nd they will put a permanent end to the change we all voted for.
But if you think what they’re doing is wrong, then you and I must do everything we can to stop them – and we must act NOW – before it’s too late.
You and I can stop them, but we don’t have much time.
Here’s what we can – and must – do:
1) We must vote to defeat them, and their obstructionist ways, on Tuesday, November 2nd
2) We must talk with our friends, co-workers, family members and neighbors and ensure they vote
3) We must get the message out to others who may have been caught up in the lies, the fear and the distortion tactics propagated by the Republican Party, The Republican-funded Tea Party and The Republican Media
4) We must volunteer our time; donate where we can; knock on doors; write letters to newspapers; anything and everything we can think of
When President Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority, the message seemed pretty clear – America needed and wanted change. But the Republican Party apparently didn’t hear that message – or didn’t want to – because they have spent the past 20 months blocking virtually every economic stimulus bill, job-creation bill, and business development bill that crossed their path. They’ve made it perfectly clear that the only way to get the change America voted for, is to throw the Republican obstructionists out so President Obama can take the steps that are necessary to move the recovery, and America, forward.
And it starts with you and me – and everyone else who voted for change.
As President Obama said not so long ago, “I don’t quit, just because it’s hard”.
We don’t either.
John P. Epstein
P.S. – The Republicans figured that, by working in lock-step to block change, they would break our spirit, crush our convictions, and leave us disillusioned. It almost worked. Now we must show them that America will not be held hostage or brought to her knees simply for their own political gain. And the way to do that is by exposing the Republican Party’s hypocrisy and their self-serving lies, and defeating them in November. Please get this message out to others – while there is still time – and make certain you vote on Tuesday, November 2nd. Bring a friend to the polls with you. If you can, bring a dozen.
If you believe America is YOUR country . . .
. . . get involved . . . and vote on Tuesday, November 2nd
PASS IT ON . . .
Saturday, October 9, 2010
31 Bills Republicans Have Blocked in 2010
By the time President Obama was sworn into office in January 2009, America was losing 600,000 jobs a month. Within 6 months of passing the Economic Stimulus Bill (which was opposed by every single House Republican and all but 3 Senate Republicans), those job losses were reduced by two-thirds.
That was a good start.
Yet, despite the marked improvement, Republicans continued to block dozens of job creation, business and economic development, and consumer protection bills right through September of 2010, stalling the recovery.
You have every right to ask why. Did they want Obama to fail due to philosophical differences? Or was it because, as the ones who were most responsible for the biggest economic collapse since the Great Depression, they knew that economic recovery credited to the Democrats would spell political devastation for the Republican Party for years to come?
Why did they choose to spend their time doing everything they could to make the President fail, instead of spending their time trying to make America succeed?
Whose side are they really on?
Here is a partial listing of journalistic news reports from (primarily) mainstream news sources of Bills the Republicans Have Blocked – or attempted to block -- during the past 20 months. These are the actual article headlines. I’ve provided several media links to confirm and verify the accuracy of each article.
It’s an eye-opener.
UPDATE: October 2012
Bob Cesca releases article on Huffington Post reiterating, and expanding upon, much of the above.
Republicans Block Unemployment Benefits Extension
Republicans Block Bank-Reform Bill
Republicans Block Campaign Disclosure Bill
Republicans Block Jobs Bill in Senate
GOP Blocks Transparency in Campaign Contributions
Republicans block bill ending tax breaks for US companies sending jobs offshore
Republicans Block Bill to Raise Oil Spill Liability Cap
Republicans Block Wall Street Reform Bill
GOP blocks Senate campaign-finance bill – again
Republicans Block Small Business Lending Bill
Republicans Block Repeal of Military's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Policy
Senate Republicans Block Own Amendments on Health Care Bill
Republicans Block Energy Legislation…Yet Again
G.O.P. Blocks Debate on Financial Oversight Bill
Republicans Kill Measure That Created 240,000 Jobs
Senate Republicans block Dems' effort to pass mine safety bill
GOP Pledges to Block Immigration Reform
Republicans Block Democrats’ Efforts to Hold BP Accountable
Senate Republicans Block Two Bills to Spur Renewable Energy Investment
House Republicans Block Medical Help for 9/11 Heroes
GOP blocks small business bill. Who will get the blame?
GOP Blocks Financial Reform As Millions Lose Homes
GOP Blocks Small Biz Bill
Senate Republicans Kill Renewable Energy and Job Creation Bill
Republicans Block US Senate Committees From Holding Hearings
Senate Republicans Promise To Oppose Tax Cuts If Wealthy Aren't Included
Senate Republicans Kill Job-Creating Tax Cuts
GOP Blocks 20 Judicial Nominees
GOP Blocks Freeze on Credit Card Interest Rate Hikes
How Many Jobs Can Republicans Kill This Week?
Here’s one they’ve decided to support:
GOP has No Problem Extending Tax Cuts for the Rich
Is there any question where their allegiances really lay?
That was a good start.
Yet, despite the marked improvement, Republicans continued to block dozens of job creation, business and economic development, and consumer protection bills right through September of 2010, stalling the recovery.
You have every right to ask why. Did they want Obama to fail due to philosophical differences? Or was it because, as the ones who were most responsible for the biggest economic collapse since the Great Depression, they knew that economic recovery credited to the Democrats would spell political devastation for the Republican Party for years to come?
Why did they choose to spend their time doing everything they could to make the President fail, instead of spending their time trying to make America succeed?
Whose side are they really on?
Here is a partial listing of journalistic news reports from (primarily) mainstream news sources of Bills the Republicans Have Blocked – or attempted to block -- during the past 20 months. These are the actual article headlines. I’ve provided several media links to confirm and verify the accuracy of each article.
It’s an eye-opener.
Republican obstructionism . . . is based on the idea that the failure not just of President Obama but of American society itself is the G.O.P.’s quickest ticket back to power.
Bob Herbert New York Times 9/10/2010
UPDATE: October 2012
Bob Cesca releases article on Huffington Post reiterating, and expanding upon, much of the above.
Republicans Block Bill to Aid Small Businesses
Republicans Block Unemployment Benefits Extension
Republicans Block Bank-Reform Bill
Republicans Block Campaign Disclosure Bill
Republicans Block Jobs Bill in Senate
GOP Blocks Transparency in Campaign Contributions
Republicans block bill ending tax breaks for US companies sending jobs offshore
Republicans Block Bill to Raise Oil Spill Liability Cap
Republicans Block Wall Street Reform Bill
GOP blocks Senate campaign-finance bill – again
Republicans Block Small Business Lending Bill
Republicans Block Repeal of Military's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Policy
Senate Republicans Block Own Amendments on Health Care Bill
Republicans Block Energy Legislation…Yet Again
G.O.P. Blocks Debate on Financial Oversight Bill
Republicans Kill Measure That Created 240,000 Jobs
Senate Republicans block Dems' effort to pass mine safety bill
GOP Pledges to Block Immigration Reform
Republicans Block Democrats’ Efforts to Hold BP Accountable
Senate Republicans Block Two Bills to Spur Renewable Energy Investment
House Republicans Block Medical Help for 9/11 Heroes
GOP blocks small business bill. Who will get the blame?
GOP Blocks Financial Reform As Millions Lose Homes
GOP Blocks Small Biz Bill
Senate Republicans Kill Renewable Energy and Job Creation Bill
Republicans Block US Senate Committees From Holding Hearings
Senate Republicans Promise To Oppose Tax Cuts If Wealthy Aren't Included
Senate Republicans Kill Job-Creating Tax Cuts
GOP Blocks 20 Judicial Nominees
GOP Blocks Freeze on Credit Card Interest Rate Hikes
How Many Jobs Can Republicans Kill This Week?
Here’s one they’ve decided to support:
GOP has No Problem Extending Tax Cuts for the Rich
Is there any question where their allegiances really lay?
Sunday, October 3, 2010
75 Years Ago . . .
The photo below caught my eye as I was reading today's paper. The story even more so. There seems to me to be far too many parallels between what's been happening in this country over the past 2 years, and what happened in 1930-1940 Germany. Think race. Think immigration. Think religion. It's stories like this that remind me every day that all elections have consequences.
Anti-Semitic German currency note circa 1930-1940
There’s a lot to be said for the adage: “Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.” It applies to everyone from educators to the military. Make a mistake, remember it and avoid it in the future. It’s a seemingly simple principle that is all too often forgotten.
I'd have to believe no one is more acutely aware of that than today’s Jews. For them, the Germany of the 1930s and ’40s is just as recent today as it was half a century ago. Then, entire nations were politically lulled into the belief that the “state” would protect them and knew what was best. That evolved into a carefully orchestrated fear of Jews, eventual hate mongering and, of course, the Holocaust.
I say “of course” because global knowledge of the planned mass extermination of an entire religion is all but a given. Sadly, some refuse to accept or acknowledge reality. They can deny it ad infinitum, but they're overlooking one indisputable fact — evidence.
The one thing the German government, and especially the Nazis, was extraordinarily good at was record keeping. Documentation of virtually everything was a given, so much so that toward the end of the war, it was humanly impossible to even make a dent in destroying papers and proof of atrocities.
Because of that evidence, Germans continue to live with reminders of their actions virtually everywhere. Many uniforms and memorabilia of that era still exist in Europe, including coins and currency from the days of Hitler. But what those artifacts represent is a very sensitive subject. At collectible shows in Germany, no swastikas can be visible. Even small coins or currency have those symbols covered when on display.
Not so in the United States. Most any Nazi-era item can be displayed, traded or sold. At many gun or knife shows, you'll regularly see German pistols or bayonets. Sometimes, even the occasional Nazi military medal is offered. What’s rarely seen are the derisive and disturbing items that go to the heart of Nazi intent — reminders of the actual exterminations.
That’s often where David Kols, president of Regency-Superior Auctions, comes in. With some frequency, his auctions include a large selection of rare stamps, coins and autographs. Additionally, they include a variety of objects relating to the Holocaust.
Exactly what Judaica items may be contained is always different. That’s understandable considering that each is not only unique, but it often was connected to just one individual. Each is equally disturbing in its own way and always offers its own personal history lesson.
In an upcoming auction to be held on Oct. 2 in Beverly Hills, Calif., the Regency/Superior sale will include roughly 60 items that lay bare the deep impact that the Nazi master plan had for the world. Among these are anti-Semitic postcards that depict Jews as the scourge of Europe and the cause of so many problems. Speaking directly to the dire situation that had been created, there are other materials like government documents denoting specific people as Jews, signs proclaiming establishments as owned by Jews, signs denoting that a certain area is “Jew Free,” and Nazi passes that allowed limited travel for work outside of Jewish ghettos.
Two lots in the auction reflect the obvious terror of the time. One contains two pieces of German inflation currency overprinted with a derogatory cartoon of a Jew, and the copy suggests that they were the root of Germany’s monetary crisis. These were used to spur even moderates to distrust and eventually disdain Jews — allowing little public resistance to their annihilation.
The second lot is three innocent-looking metal tags. Each tag clips together with an attached piece of metal that contains two Jewish stars. The tags were actually luggage clips that were affixed to the bags of Jews being shipped to concentration camps. The intent was to reassure those being sent to their deaths that they were merely being resettled and would get their bags back upon arrival at their new home. In fact, the bags were then confiscated, opened and all property was taken.
As I said, the items are both disturbing and historic. I asked Kols, who is a Jew, about that once. He explained that most of the artifacts are purchased by Holocaust museums that display them. Their intent is to educate and remind all who see them that the evidence of what happened is all too real. More importantly, if it is forgotten, it can happen again. As Jews now say, “Never again.”
For more information, call 800-782-0066 or log onto Internet bidding will be available on the day of the sale.
To find out more about Peter Rexford and to read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at
Nazi Artifacts up for Auction
Anti-Semitic German currency note circa 1930-1940
There’s a lot to be said for the adage: “Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.” It applies to everyone from educators to the military. Make a mistake, remember it and avoid it in the future. It’s a seemingly simple principle that is all too often forgotten.
I'd have to believe no one is more acutely aware of that than today’s Jews. For them, the Germany of the 1930s and ’40s is just as recent today as it was half a century ago. Then, entire nations were politically lulled into the belief that the “state” would protect them and knew what was best. That evolved into a carefully orchestrated fear of Jews, eventual hate mongering and, of course, the Holocaust.
I say “of course” because global knowledge of the planned mass extermination of an entire religion is all but a given. Sadly, some refuse to accept or acknowledge reality. They can deny it ad infinitum, but they're overlooking one indisputable fact — evidence.
The one thing the German government, and especially the Nazis, was extraordinarily good at was record keeping. Documentation of virtually everything was a given, so much so that toward the end of the war, it was humanly impossible to even make a dent in destroying papers and proof of atrocities.

Not so in the United States. Most any Nazi-era item can be displayed, traded or sold. At many gun or knife shows, you'll regularly see German pistols or bayonets. Sometimes, even the occasional Nazi military medal is offered. What’s rarely seen are the derisive and disturbing items that go to the heart of Nazi intent — reminders of the actual exterminations.
That’s often where David Kols, president of Regency-Superior Auctions, comes in. With some frequency, his auctions include a large selection of rare stamps, coins and autographs. Additionally, they include a variety of objects relating to the Holocaust.
Exactly what Judaica items may be contained is always different. That’s understandable considering that each is not only unique, but it often was connected to just one individual. Each is equally disturbing in its own way and always offers its own personal history lesson.
In an upcoming auction to be held on Oct. 2 in Beverly Hills, Calif., the Regency/Superior sale will include roughly 60 items that lay bare the deep impact that the Nazi master plan had for the world. Among these are anti-Semitic postcards that depict Jews as the scourge of Europe and the cause of so many problems. Speaking directly to the dire situation that had been created, there are other materials like government documents denoting specific people as Jews, signs proclaiming establishments as owned by Jews, signs denoting that a certain area is “Jew Free,” and Nazi passes that allowed limited travel for work outside of Jewish ghettos.
Two lots in the auction reflect the obvious terror of the time. One contains two pieces of German inflation currency overprinted with a derogatory cartoon of a Jew, and the copy suggests that they were the root of Germany’s monetary crisis. These were used to spur even moderates to distrust and eventually disdain Jews — allowing little public resistance to their annihilation.

As I said, the items are both disturbing and historic. I asked Kols, who is a Jew, about that once. He explained that most of the artifacts are purchased by Holocaust museums that display them. Their intent is to educate and remind all who see them that the evidence of what happened is all too real. More importantly, if it is forgotten, it can happen again. As Jews now say, “Never again.”
For more information, call 800-782-0066 or log onto Internet bidding will be available on the day of the sale.
To find out more about Peter Rexford and to read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at
Friday, September 24, 2010
Hilarious (shocking?) - Jon Stewart / Daily Show clip
The Republicans had a "Contract with America" in 1994, and America trusted them.
But as soon as we turned everything over to them, they broke that contract and, over the following decade and a half, proceeded to drive us off a cliff and into the worst economic collapse this country has seen since the Great Depression.
Their "Contract" cost over 10 million Americans their homes, their jobs, and their life savings.
But NOW they say they have a "BRAND NEW" Contract with America -- and this time they say it's better than their last "contract" because this time they really, REALLY mean it.
And to prove to you that this time they're REALLY telling the truth, I present you with this hilarious clip from Thursday's Jon Stewart show (the fun part begins at 1:23, but the killer is John Boehner at 2:52):
What else can I say? Except that I want to add a clause to their contract that says if Americans are stupid enough to fall for it twice -- and they screw us all over again -- we get to strap all of them into electric chairs and collectively pull the switch. Now, that's a contract even I might be willing to sign!
But as soon as we turned everything over to them, they broke that contract and, over the following decade and a half, proceeded to drive us off a cliff and into the worst economic collapse this country has seen since the Great Depression.
Their "Contract" cost over 10 million Americans their homes, their jobs, and their life savings.
But NOW they say they have a "BRAND NEW" Contract with America -- and this time they say it's better than their last "contract" because this time they really, REALLY mean it.
And to prove to you that this time they're REALLY telling the truth, I present you with this hilarious clip from Thursday's Jon Stewart show (the fun part begins at 1:23, but the killer is John Boehner at 2:52):
What else can I say? Except that I want to add a clause to their contract that says if Americans are stupid enough to fall for it twice -- and they screw us all over again -- we get to strap all of them into electric chairs and collectively pull the switch. Now, that's a contract even I might be willing to sign!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Is Hatred Really Freedom of Speech?
Note: I recently stumbled across this letter to the editor I wrote just over a year ago. Sadly, it's still all too true. -- John
I agree that freedom of speech is a paramount American liberty. However, at what point does YOUR freedom of speech impinge upon my own freedoms?
We have all come to learn that giving a soap box to those who spew anger and hatred towards others encourages action and, often, violence. You can veil it any way you choose, but promoting hatred towards others seldom leads to promoting freedoms. In fact, it almost always promotes the exact opposite.
When Glen Beck encourages his audience to believe that Obama is a racist and hates white people, it stirs up a deep-seated anger and provides a "cover" beneath which to justify actions which could, otherwise, never be justifiable. Same goes for Bill O'Reilly's anger toward George Tiller. And it is not just Beck or O’Reilly or the hosts at Fox News.
When the people we entrust to conduct the national dialog, use their positions to incite anger and (eventually and unavoidably) violence, we ALL lose our freedoms.
It's one thing to address people's existing fears and concerns.
It is entirely something else to CREATE them.
John Epstein
August 2009
I agree that freedom of speech is a paramount American liberty. However, at what point does YOUR freedom of speech impinge upon my own freedoms?
We have all come to learn that giving a soap box to those who spew anger and hatred towards others encourages action and, often, violence. You can veil it any way you choose, but promoting hatred towards others seldom leads to promoting freedoms. In fact, it almost always promotes the exact opposite.
When Glen Beck encourages his audience to believe that Obama is a racist and hates white people, it stirs up a deep-seated anger and provides a "cover" beneath which to justify actions which could, otherwise, never be justifiable. Same goes for Bill O'Reilly's anger toward George Tiller. And it is not just Beck or O’Reilly or the hosts at Fox News.
When the people we entrust to conduct the national dialog, use their positions to incite anger and (eventually and unavoidably) violence, we ALL lose our freedoms.
It's one thing to address people's existing fears and concerns.
It is entirely something else to CREATE them.
John Epstein
August 2009
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Good News -- Bad News
The good news is that President Obama is proposing to extend tax cuts for 98% of all Americans.
The bad news is that the Republicans are threatening to block President Obama’s proposed tax cuts for 98% of Americans -- unless he also agrees to extend an expensive tax break for America’s wealthiest 2%. This extra Republican demand is specifically targeted to benefit people who already earn over $250,000.00 a year.
And, if the Republicans get their way, it will add an extra $700 billion to our deficit.
Here’s the background:
In 2001 President Bush and the Republicans put through tax cuts with the biggest cuts going to the wealthiest Americans. While those tax cuts arguably helped all Americans, they added over $1.7 trillion dollars to the deficit and, by 2007, resulted in the top 1% of earners taking 23.5% of all income earned in the United States. By original plan, those cuts expire in 2011.
Due to the economic crisis, President Obama wants to extend those tax cuts – but only for Americans who earn less than $250,000 a year. The Republicans want to the cuts to include America’s wealthiest people (and the biggest donors to Republican causes) at a cost of an extra $700 billion dollars tacked onto the deficit.
The Republican's argument is that wealthy Americans own business and if we don't give them tax breaks, they won't create new jobs. That claim is absurd, disingenuous and absolutely false. There is only ONE reason business owners hire new employees: because of increased demand for the goods they manufacture or for the services they sell.
This Republican scare tactic is just another attempt to get hard-working middle-class Americans to voluntarily shift the tax burden from the wealthy onto themselves. The truth is that no business owner in their right mind is going to spend money to hire workers they don't need . . . simply because we lower their taxes.
But as you read this, Republicans are demanding that those breaks, which diverted so much money to the already-wealthy, be extended at a cost of another $700 billion dollars to the deficit. And they are holding YOUR tax break hostage unless President Obama gives into their demands.
If you think that’s right, then do nothing. If you believe that YOUR tax cut should be contingent upon extending more tax breaks to people who are already earning over $250,000.00 a year -- then just delete this e-mail.
But if you believe what the Republicans are doing is wrong, you need to speak up and you need to act QUICKLY – before it’s too late. Call your Republican Senators and Representatives today. Tell them that you don't make as much as they make or as much as their wealthy friends make. Tell them that every dollar you save on taxes gets spent into this economy, keeping people employed and helping to create new jobs. Tell them they need to start doing what’s best for you and not what’s best for their wealthy Republican friends. Tell them they need to stop blocking things that will help Americans recover from the recession they caused.
Here’s how to contact your U.S. Senator:
Here’s how to contact your U. S. Representative:
In 2010 the Republicans voted to block Wall Street and bank reform. They voted to block aid to small U.S. businesses. They voted to block numerous jobs bills and unemployment extensions during this economic crisis. They even voted to protect BP from paying full damage claims from the Gulf oil spill. They say they are on your side as they sound the alarm about deficits from one side of their mouth, yet they want to give their wealthiest friends (and donors) a $700 billion dollar tax break from the other.
Whose side are they REALLY on?
It’s time to read between the lines.
Forward this to your friends who earn less than $250,000.00 a year. Urge them to get involved. If we don't do it, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Related Reference and Research:
Here’s a PBS video explaining both sides of the issue:
Here’s Stephen Colbert’s amusing take on it:
More reading, including references to how the wealthiest 1% of Americans jumped from taking 9% of America’s income in the late 1970’s, to taking 23.5% of America’s income in 2007:
The bad news is that the Republicans are threatening to block President Obama’s proposed tax cuts for 98% of Americans -- unless he also agrees to extend an expensive tax break for America’s wealthiest 2%. This extra Republican demand is specifically targeted to benefit people who already earn over $250,000.00 a year.
And, if the Republicans get their way, it will add an extra $700 billion to our deficit.
Here’s the background:
In 2001 President Bush and the Republicans put through tax cuts with the biggest cuts going to the wealthiest Americans. While those tax cuts arguably helped all Americans, they added over $1.7 trillion dollars to the deficit and, by 2007, resulted in the top 1% of earners taking 23.5% of all income earned in the United States. By original plan, those cuts expire in 2011.
Due to the economic crisis, President Obama wants to extend those tax cuts – but only for Americans who earn less than $250,000 a year. The Republicans want to the cuts to include America’s wealthiest people (and the biggest donors to Republican causes) at a cost of an extra $700 billion dollars tacked onto the deficit.
The Republican's argument is that wealthy Americans own business and if we don't give them tax breaks, they won't create new jobs. That claim is absurd, disingenuous and absolutely false. There is only ONE reason business owners hire new employees: because of increased demand for the goods they manufacture or for the services they sell.
This Republican scare tactic is just another attempt to get hard-working middle-class Americans to voluntarily shift the tax burden from the wealthy onto themselves. The truth is that no business owner in their right mind is going to spend money to hire workers they don't need . . . simply because we lower their taxes.
But as you read this, Republicans are demanding that those breaks, which diverted so much money to the already-wealthy, be extended at a cost of another $700 billion dollars to the deficit. And they are holding YOUR tax break hostage unless President Obama gives into their demands.
If you think that’s right, then do nothing. If you believe that YOUR tax cut should be contingent upon extending more tax breaks to people who are already earning over $250,000.00 a year -- then just delete this e-mail.
But if you believe what the Republicans are doing is wrong, you need to speak up and you need to act QUICKLY – before it’s too late. Call your Republican Senators and Representatives today. Tell them that you don't make as much as they make or as much as their wealthy friends make. Tell them that every dollar you save on taxes gets spent into this economy, keeping people employed and helping to create new jobs. Tell them they need to start doing what’s best for you and not what’s best for their wealthy Republican friends. Tell them they need to stop blocking things that will help Americans recover from the recession they caused.
Here’s how to contact your U.S. Senator:
Here’s how to contact your U. S. Representative:
In 2010 the Republicans voted to block Wall Street and bank reform. They voted to block aid to small U.S. businesses. They voted to block numerous jobs bills and unemployment extensions during this economic crisis. They even voted to protect BP from paying full damage claims from the Gulf oil spill. They say they are on your side as they sound the alarm about deficits from one side of their mouth, yet they want to give their wealthiest friends (and donors) a $700 billion dollar tax break from the other.
Whose side are they REALLY on?
It’s time to read between the lines.
Forward this to your friends who earn less than $250,000.00 a year. Urge them to get involved. If we don't do it, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Related Reference and Research:
Here’s a PBS video explaining both sides of the issue:
Here’s Stephen Colbert’s amusing take on it:
More reading, including references to how the wealthiest 1% of Americans jumped from taking 9% of America’s income in the late 1970’s, to taking 23.5% of America’s income in 2007:
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Truth or Satire? Tax cuts and American jobs
Dear America,
Please pay attention. This is very important – at least to me.
I am a wealthy American – very wealthy. My earnings are in the Top 2% of all Americans. In fact, I earn anywhere from 10 to 10,000 times more than you do – every single year. That means if you put 99 of us together in a room, I earn more than 98 of you. I may even earn more than the 98 of you make, combined. But that’s not a great example because it’s unlikely that you’d find us together in the same room – unless it’s on the factory floor of the company I own. You know, the one you (used to) work for.
But never mind all that because I know math is complicated and that big numbers probably confuse you, so let me get to the point: I think you should give me a tax break. That’s right. You see, according to my Republican friends, I’m more important to America than you are. Sure, you toil and sweat and labor – probably at more than one job. But I own the companies you toil at and, believe me, I’m entitled to keep every penny I make.
That’s because it costs a LOT of money to keep all my houses running and in tip-top shape. And my private plane. And my yacht. It also costs a lot to host all the parties I throw every year. You know – the ones where I invite the other 2% of America’s wealthiest people to attend. Now, you might be saying that it’s not fair that people like you don’t get to attend. But that’s not true because dozens of you do. Some of you get to wait on our tables, manicure our gardens, comb our beaches, cook our meals, clean our homes – there’s a lot of opportunity to serve us and earn a living while tending to our chores. That’s a pretty good deal – at least for lower-class, working Americans, like you.
But I’m not writing you to tell you what you already know. I’m writing because it is very important that you do not allow the tax breaks that Republicans gave me and my wealthy friends 10 years ago, to expire this year as originally planned. That would be just awful for me. And, as my Republican friends have been telling you – if it’s awful for me, that means it will be awful for you.
Never mind the fact that lowering my taxes has absolutely zero impact on whether or not I hire new employees. I mean, really! Who comes up with this stuff? Oh, yeah – I forgot. It’s my Republican buddies. C’mon, think about it for a minute. If you owned my business instead of me, and the lower classes voted to pay more in taxes so you could keep more for yourself, would you really use all that extra money to hire new employees?
Duh! Of course you wouldn’t. The only reason you, as a business owner, would hire more employees is if there were MORE DEMAND for the products you manufacture or for the services you offer. Talk about no-brainers!
So what creates more demand? If you answered “more people who have the money to buy the goods and services business owners sell”, you get a gold star.
But my Republican friends have done a great job convincing you that the exact opposite is true. They call it “trickle-down economics” or something ridiculous like that. That’s so “official-sounding” that it must be true, huh? Well, you didn’t hear this from me, but do you really think that America’s wealthiest 2% (like me) are going to spend $678 billion dollars ($678,000,000,000.00) into the economy simply because you give it to us as a gift?
Oh, I forgot. You’re not as smart as the Republicans are. Allow me to explain: There’s 2 of me for every 98 of you. I already have piles of money and I already own everything I could possibly want. If you give me and my wealthy friends $678 billion dollars we might go out and buy a “few” more things, but we’d probably just put most of it in the bank or into tax-free investment shelters so our children and grandchildren can inherit it, tax-free, when we die. At most, we might use it to buy another home or two. (Come to think of it, that would create another dozen or so job opportunities for people like you, wouldn’t it? Maybe my Republican friends are onto something.)
We sure as hell wouldn’t use it to hire a few million Americans at the businesses we own. I mean, that’s laughable. Why would any business owner in their right mind spend their money to hire employees they don’t need?
However if you, and 98 out of every 100 Americans, had $678 billion dollars, you’d probably spend a significantly larger portion of it buying all sorts of things you really need – cars, homes, furniture, clothing, etc. And if you were to spend all that money it would create a HUGE demand throughout the economy. And do you know what that would do? If you guessed that it would create the need for millions of new employees to manufacture, sell, deliver, install and service all those purchases you just made – you get another gold star. The demand created by your significant spending would stimulate the economy and create more jobs than it would if you just gave the money to me and my wealthy friends. It would probably even pull America out of this recession. But, remember, you didn’t hear it from me.
You know, my good friend Sarah Palin would probably say: “How’s that whole tax break thing workin’ out for ya, anyway?” I don’t know about you, but it sure works great for me. Thanks America. You are definitely the land of opportunity – especially with the Republicans duping ordinary Americans into giving up more of their money so I can keep more of mine.
I don’t know how they do it, but I really admire how Sarah and her Republican friends can get you and other Americans to vote against your own best interests – and for theirs, instead.
That’s why I know I can trust you to do the right thing on November 2nd and vote for all the Republicans you can find – so I can keep my $678 billion dollar tax break right where it belongs – in my bank account.
Love you guys. Keep up the good work.
America’s Wealthiest 2%
P.S. – Did you also notice that my Republican friends have been blocking almost all of the Democrats’ jobs and stimulus bills? Yeah, they’ve been saying it’s bad for America’s debt to have more of you working . . . and paying taxes . . . and buying stuff . . . and generating demand . . . which creates additional new jobs. What a hoot! Instead, what they’re doing is forcing wages down so when the economy does finally pick up, I can hire you to work at my company for less than you made at the last place you worked. Absolutely brilliant! As my good friend Sarah Palin might say, “How’s that whole salary and wage thing workin’ out for ya, anyway?” (Oh yeah, did I tell you that the Republicans also tried to block the extension of your unemployment insurance, too? How ironic! Sorry, I forgot you probably don’t know what that word means. It means something that’s really “good for you”.)
P.P.S. – Did I mention that the Republicans’ just allowed the companies I own to spend millions of dollars running misleading ads designed to distort the issues and to slander their Democratic opponents – so you’ll vote for more Republicans in November? And more Republicans in office means less regulation for business owners (like me) and lower taxes for all 2% of us wealthy Americans. That’s so ironic (“good for you”) because you and I both know that the Republicans’ real goal is to keep the economy in tatters until November (and possibly until the next Presidential election) so they can “prove” to you that the recession which began in 2007 under President George W. Bush and VP Dick Cheney was “really” caused by President Obama and the rest of the Democrats who weren’t sworn into office until 2009.
That’s why I love Republicans. Don’t you?
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